I have recently been nominated for the Liebster award from
Becca at Pretty Little
Peggy and would like to say a big thank you as I have only recently
started my blog so I am still only learning! But it's nice to know there are
people out there that like it.
I would like to share the award to other bloggers that have
less than 200 followers and the blogs that I am really enjoying reading at the

What is a Liebster? The meaning: Liebster is German
and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant,
valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.
So the rules rules for the award are:
1. Each person must post
eleven things about themselves.
2. Answer the eleven questions the tagger has set for you.
3. Choose eleven people and tag them in this post.
4. Follow the tagger and visit at least three of the nominees
2. Answer the eleven questions the tagger has set for you.
3. Choose eleven people and tag them in this post.
4. Follow the tagger and visit at least three of the nominees
11 little facts about myself
1. I have no brother or sisters
2. I am quarter Greek
3. I have a weakness for cakes
4. I have been with my boyfriend since I was 15
5. I am pretty obsessed with writing lists
for everything!
6. I am a BIG lover of wine
7. I am always painting y nails a different
8. I would love to live somewhere in the
Carribean when I am older
9. I hate coffee
10. I used to be a Ballroom and Latin American dancer
11. I have 3 large wardrobes full of clothes..
but it still isn't enough!
My 11 questions are:
1. What hair product could you not live
Batiste Dry Shampoo
2. Straight or Curled hair?
Straight but I curl it when I can be bothered!
3.If you could only shop at one clothes store for the rest of your life what one would it be?
Such a hard question, but probably H&M as I
always find something I want from there
4. Heels or flats?
Flats.. I'm 5 ft 9. But always heels for a
night out
5. Prefer nights in or nights out?
Used to be nights out.. but now I love a cosy
night in!
6.What was the last movie you saw?
TED.. hilarious!
7. What is your favourite restaurant?
I don't have one.. I eat anything
8.What is your current favourite song?
Can't say I'm really listening to much at the
moment I like Usher's new album though
9. Which celebrities style do you wish you could steal?
Hmm I don't actually know! I like a mixture of
styles and it's good to have your own style.
10. What is your favourite make up brand?
11. What is your favourire magazine?
Elle magazine - the only one
i'm subscribed to
My 11 questions are:
1. What are your 3 must have make-up products?
2.If you could live anywhere in the world where
would it be?
3. What is your favourite colour?
4. Cats or dogs?
5. What is your dream job?
6. Favourite fashion brand
7. Nail polish or lipstick/lipgloss
8. Your favourite food?
9. What achievement are you most
proud of?
10. Tea of coffee?
11. Favourite film
The bloggers I have chosen are:
Congratulations hun:) really well deserved:) thanks for the nomination!:) xx
ReplyDeleteCongrats! I love your background and overall layout of your blog. I'm also a relatively new blogger and I'm always looking for ways to improve my own site. Thanks for providing inspiration on yours!
ReplyDeleteIf you have time, would you mind checking out my blog? It would mean a lot to me because I need all the feedback I can get!
Thanks and happy blogging :)
Thank you! I am new to blogging too so still learning as I go. Nice to know you like it :) I will check yours out! xx
DeleteThankyou so much for nominating me Kerry, it's made my day to know people are enjoying my blog. And WOW yours is super cute loving your picture at the top and your a gorgeous girl,
ReplyDeleteAlso just to let you know I'm hosting my FIRST EVER GIVEAWAY, enter by the link below for the chance to win a MAC TINTED LIPGLOSS!
Natalie xxx
No probs hun :)
DeleteWell done on the followers I'll make sure to enter the giveaway! xx